Monday, April 27, 2020

Monday, 4/27

The note almost made me cry, which is a funny thing considering I wrote it to myself.

Friday I was working on stuff to air today; specifically, the music log for all the songs we'll play throughout the day. As you may recall, I had been working quite ahead, and with everything going on I haven't recalled half the stuff 've done. Apparently, one of the things I did when working on this particular log, back at the beginning of March, was to leave myself a little note.

That note said “have a great trip”. Because today, you see, is the last day before I was supposed to leave on our little trip to Germany.

I have no idea why March me wrote a note to April me, but he did. I mean, it was nice of him, but I think one of the things it goes to show is just how much the world has changed since the note was left on March 9th. Back them, the world (or at least me) was confident enough to think that our trip would still be taking place. I know at the time the Bundesliga had cancelled matches for March, and at the time Europe wasn't open for visitors. But back on March 9th I still had hope that things would be back to “normal” by today.

Goes to show what I know.

So instead of speeding through today with all the last minute work associated before flying off it'll just be another day of coming into an empty studio and doing everything that needs to get done in this new “normal”. I have no idea if or when we'll get to go back to Germany; heck, we're starting to assume that our jaunt to France in September isn't going to happen. And maybe that's why the note—from me, to me—struck such a chord.

Back then, I thought today would be a big day. Sad to say, I was wrong.

But that's okay. I'm still healthy. Everyone I care about is still healthy. I still have a job. I have a (hopefully warm) summer to look forward to. And, with any luck, I still have a lot of future travel plans to which to look forward.

Even if tomorrow I go to work instead of Germany.

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