Friday, April 24, 2020

Friday, 4/24

I hope that if/when things return to normal that Marquette regains one of the things that make it one of the greatest places on the planet.

Because of what I do my lifestyle hasn't changed very much, which means that I'm still walking here and there pretty much as much as usual. And one of the things I've noticed while out walking is the loss of a cherished Marquette tradition--

The smile and the greeting of “hello” as you walk past someone on the sidewalk.

That's all but disappeared these days as people try to socially distance themselves or are buried under a protective mask. Sometimes you make eye contact; sometimes, you're just trying to make sure you don't come too close to the other person. But as someone who a). walks everywhere, and 2). always says “hi” to people, I can vouch for the fact that that habit has all but disappeared.

I can't say I'm surprised; after all, everyone's just trying to stay safe, and those people who are actually out on the streets are probably a little more nervous than those staying home. I know I am a little bit. But it's sad that we've lost that ability to greet people, especially because I've spoken with visitors over the years who've gone out of their way to comment on how friendly a place Marquette is because we actually DO say “hey” or “good morning” to strangers. It's part of what makes this a special place.

And I would certainly be bummed if we lost that quality.

Like I said, I'm hopeful that that quality will be back if and when we ever return to normal. After all, it's one of the things that makes Marquette Marquette, and with everything else we've had ripped asunder that past month, I'd like to think that we deserve to get at least that back.

Stay safe, everyone, and have a great weekend!

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