Friday, August 30, 2024

Friday, 8/30

You know, sometimes I just think there’s too much crap in my brain.

You ever get that feeling? You ever try to remember the one thing you need to recall, only to find it crowded out of your mind by dozens of things you really don’t need to know at the moment, stupid things like Lady Gaga’s real name or the atomic number of vanadium? Sure, you remember those, but do you know where your cars keys are or what your ATM PIN number is?


Loraine and I are of two different thoughts of mind regarding the lack of thoughts in my mind. I often joke that I’m just getting old; after all, that’s what old people do, right? They forget things. Well, they eat dinner at 4 pm and wear black socks with shorts and sandals, but mostly they forget things. Loraine, thankfully, points out that I’m not THAT old (and would never be caught dead in black socks with shorts & sandals), and instead offers another suggestion--

That I just have too much crap in my mind, and that the stupid stuff is crowding out the important stuff.

She may have a point; I’ve joked over the past few years that I sure could use a RAM upgrade in my head. Think of it this way--my brain worked fine when I was just a younger, more carefree version of “me”. But now that I’m the semi-responsible, semi-adult version of “me”, one who actually has to care about and remember all kinds of details for all of the facets of my life (and trust me, there are a LOT of facets in my life, as you well know), there just isn’t enough room in my freakishly small head to remember the important facts.

I mean sure, I can remember Lady Gaga’s real name (Stefani Germanotta) and the atomic number of vanadium (23), but when I need to remember someone’s name, or try to recall something I was supposed to share with someone? Not so much.

I’m just 4 gigabytes of RAM in a 32 gigabyte world, I guess.

So if you ever see me walking down the street and I call you by the wrong name (something I do quite frequently, by the way), don’t take it personally. I’m just dealing with a slow processor these days.


Have a great holiday weekend!


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