Friday, August 16, 2024

Friday, 8/16

Did I ever tell you the story of how Loraine and I became “Loraine and I”? It's the perfect one sentence pitch (especially for a very strange romantic comedy), and it has the added virtue of being true. Wanna hear it?

I was friends with her fiancee and she asked me out on a date.

Every couple has a story behind how they became a couple, and that's ours. Of course, it's leaving out quite a few details—because I was friends with her fiancee we had known each other for several months, several months in which she and that fiancee realized things weren't gonna work out—but it's one of those little pithy one-line description of things that causes people hearing it for the first time to get this quizzical look on their face. It mean, it's not shocking, or anything, it's just out of the ordinary.

Just like us.

The reason I bring it up is today is our “date-i-versary”, the date on which we went out on our first date (her fifth class reunion, if you're curious, although we ended up blowing that off for dinner and an evening chatting alongside a river). Since then, we've been doing things our own way, and as we were discussing a few days ago, it's something that (as I've mentioned in here before) has led to us being pretty much the only couple in our local circle of friends who are still a couple. I don't why (or what it is we've been doing), but after all these years we're still together and still going strong.

Who knew?

I actually think that's been the key to our success over all these years—we do things our own way. We don't do things just because society says we should. Heck; that's why we end up going out in the first place. From getting married on the steps of the Marquette County Courthouse to flipping traditional gender roles (she played hockey; I cook & bake) we just do what works for us, and so far, it's been pretty successful. Oh sure; like every couple, we run into speed bumps every once in a while, but we get through them. And I think part of the reason we're able to deal with those speed bumps is that despite the fact that we have two wildly different personalities (Loraine's quiet, reserved, & thoughtful, and I'm, well, me) we respect each other. We know each other has the best interest of “us” in mind, and we know that no matter what happens, we're there for each other.

So Happy Date-i-versry, Loraine. Let's see if we can make it to, oh, your 65th class reunion!




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