Monday, August 5, 2024

Monday, 8/5

Where's the sweat?

At the risk of being just a little too disgusting (not that that's ever bothered me before) I'm gonna talk about sweat today. As you may know, we just wrapped up a series of very hot & very humid days here in Marquette. Those are my favorite days of the year—the days for which I slog through snow and cold and ice—and one of the reasons I like them so much is to run in them.

Trust me, there's nothing more glorious than hitting the streets and finishing, 30 or 45 minutes later, drenched in sweat and endorphins.

Oh, stop looking at me that way.


Anyway, I noticed something over the past week, and here's where it gets potentially disgusting. Take a look at the back of the sweaty shirt I wore running--

Notice there's a hole in the middle of the shirt where there's no sweat at all? How is that even possible? Sweat pours down my body. My shirt gets soaked. How can there even BE a dry spot on that part of the shirt?


I mean, I have no answer to that question. I'm just assuming that I'm a freak, and like many other things it's just something that can't be explained. It just seems...odd that when almost every other single square inch of the shirt is soaked that there's a dry spot right smack dab in the middle of it.

But then, like I said, I'm a freak. What more to I expect?

With the return of more temperate weather this week it's nothing I'll have to worry about any time in the near future, but it's something I will still ponder.

And maybe I'll even start calling it “The Mystery of the Dry Spot on Jim's Running Shirt”.

(, who promises not to be as disgusting tomorrow.

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