Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Wednesday, 8/21

Oh, goodie. Now I get to experience it first hand.

Many times I've mentioned one of the joys of living & working in downtown Marquette; namely, the piles of vomit left by drunk college students (and others) as they try to make their way up the hills & back to their homes. They quite often don't make it, leaving their, uhm, “deposit” on stairs or inside entryways to businesses, where the stain can linger for the next couple of years.

Well, guess what we found in the doorway of the station yesterday morning?

And that's after we cleaned it up. So now, for the next year or two, when I walk into the station I'll involuntarily step over the stain, if only because I know what it used to be.


I'm actually in a way surprised. We've been here almost 22 years now, and this is the first time someone's barfed in our doorway. Based on the piles and the stains I see in other downtown doorways (or especially on the steps of the Peter White Public Library), I thought we would have been hit sooner. But we've been lucky, I guess. We're far enough away from bars to avoid the first round of puke, while we're not quite far enough up the hill for a little exercise to churn up whatever's in the stomach of those who may have had a little too much.

But, I guess, it had to happen sometime. So if you happen to visit us any time in the next, oh, year or two and happen to see weird stains right outside our front door, now you know why.

You're welcome.


Now that I've grossed you out enough for one day, don't forget that I'm doing a pop-up version of “Walk on the Wild Side: The Very Historic (Yet Occasionally Sketchy) Story of Founders Landing” tonight, should you be so inclined. We start at 630 at the History Center.


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