Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Tuesday, 8/13

I had to laugh at what the lady in Super One said.

I was at the store last weekend when a lady pushing a shopping cart spotted me & walked over. I thought she was gonna say something about my TV gig or my history videos or even the fact that I made it through a thousand or so names announcing at Ore to Shore earlier that day. I was wrong, though. She said, and I quote, “I just wanted to let you know that I could never do your job. I don’t have enough self-control”.

The comment made me laugh, if only because there’s actually someone out there who actually thinks I have ANY self-control. But she went on to explain that her comment stems from one specific incident from a couple of months ago, when someone called for an Instant Request for their parent’s 50th wedding anniversary. Being naturally curious, I asked the caller if they were gonna do anything special for their parents that night, and their response was this—

“Yeah. I’m gonna take ‘em out to Burger King”.

Now, I had entirely forgotten about the call, but it made enough of an impression on the lady in Super One that she wanted to mention it to me. She said that if she was in my place, she would not have had my response, which was my usual way of dealing with something quite out of the ordinary, my use of the word “okayyyyyyyy...”, stretched out just like it’s written and delivered with a rather quizzical tone. She said that she would’ve made sure the caller knew that, just perhaps, Burger King isn’t quite the place you wanna take your parents on their 50th anniversary.

And that’s why she doesn’t think she could do my job.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned in the three-plus decades I’ve been doing what I do is that there are all kinds of people out there. There are happy ones and sad ones, funny ones and serious ones, loud ones and quiet ones, and ones who, for their parents’ 50th wedding anniversary, throw a big party for them or just take them out to Burger King.

Every person is different, and deals with things differently. That’s why, when I get a phone call like that Instant Request, I just let it play out, and see where it goes. Sometimes, you get a good phone call. Sometimes, you get a chuckle. And sometimes, you even get a moment that sticks in the heads of people who are listening. That’s when I know I’ve done my job.

As for that whole comment about me having any kind of control, self or otherwise...well, that’s a topic best left for another day.  But thanks to the lady in Super One for letting me know that I made an impression. That’s the kind of feedback that I really appreciate. I just hope I can keep making more of them as the decades wear on.


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