Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Tuesday, 8/20

That's okay.  I'll sleep when I'm dead.

Every so often, either Loraine or I will get a question about my schedule and whether or not I ever have any time off.  Rest assured, I do, but every so often (especially this summer) things stack up and I find myself with a crammed day...like yesterday.

How crammed, you ask?  Well, I answer...

1. I went to work and did a day of radio

2. Following that, I walked around the block and did my TV gig.

3. Following that, I walked down through Lower Harbor Park and did a show at the Lake Superior Theatre with my pal Jack.

4. And following that, I went home and provided a few quotes and some historical context for a news article that'll be appearing online later this week.

That's a normal day for a person, right?


Trust me...I know that yesterday was ANYTHING but a normal day for most people.  Yet for me, it's just one of those days.  I don't mind them and I'm not complaining, although I do know that having a packed schedule causes days to zip by and, by extension, causing months of summer to seem like they're at most a week long (the topic of discussion on TV last night, ironically).  It's just part of being me.

And I'm insanely lucky that it's part of being me.  It means that I'm doing my bit to make this an incredible community, and that that incredible community hasn't gotten sick of me yet.  I've always thought—I've always been taught—that you should do your share, that you should help in anyway you can to make the place you live a great place.

And if that means that I have a packed schedule like yesterday?  Well, that's fine with me.  After all, I can always sleep when I'm dead.


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