Thursday, August 8, 2024

Thursday, 8/8

The show was actually quite fascinating.

A couple of years ago I put together a "Pieces of the Past" video based on a story Loraine had uncovered about a brother and a sister from Big Bay who were killed in World War II.  The sister, Alice "Pauline" McKinney, went down in a plane along with 17 other WACs off the coast of Africa just after Germany had surrendered, and her plane was never found.

Last week, the show "Expedition: Unknown" tackled the subject. The host, Josh Gates, brought a crew to the coast of Cote D'Ivorie, to see if they could find any remains of the craft. Unfortunately (spoiler alert) they couldn't, but it was interesting to see the processes they went through in trying to find the wreckage. The waters off that part of the African coast have very strong currents, and they were relying on 80-year old maps and eyewitness accounts. So while that part of their search was a disappointment, it was still nice that it shone a spotlight on the WACs and their tragedy

If you wanna see it for yourself and have the Max streaming service, it is available on there. You can also check it out (for the time being) on the Discovery Channel's website, as well. And, if you'd like to find out the story of the McKinney siblings and the ultimate sacrifice they made for their county, here's the video I put together a couple of years ago--

After watching the Discovery show, I just thought it as nice to know that Loraine's not the only person trying to keep the memory of Alice "Pauline" McKinney of Big Bay alive.


(ps—my favorite two year old in the world turns into my favorite three year old in the world happy birthday, Everly!!)

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