Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Tuesday, 9/3

It's only one hour, but it's always weird.

First of all, hope you had a great holiday weekend. I did, and took advantage of all the gorgeous late-summer weather we had (especially Saturday and Monday). As I discussed last week I'm not yet ready for summer to be over, so I was outside every single second I could be.

And, of course, I dressed for it. The past few months shorts have become my standard go-to, and that's why it's always weird the one hour a week that I DO have to wear long pants, which I had to again yesterday, even though I wasn't working my radio gig.

I had to put pants on for an hour this weekend to go on TV and do "Life on the 906".

Just because it's a holiday doesn't mean that TV news gets to take the day off, so around 530 yesterday afternoon I had to throw on both pants and a jacket and walk the four long blocks to TV-19 where, after complaining about having to put pants on, I did a bit about "906 Day", then went home and promptly took my pants back off.

Where, just between you & me, said pants may stay until NEXT Monday night.

One of the joys of working in radio is that it really doesn't matter HOW you look, a factor I've taken quite the advantage of over the years. Yet since starting both my TV gigs I do realize that shorts aren't appropriate in every situation, and I've learned to live with that. That doesn't mean I haven't jokingly complained about it, like I did to my TV colleagues Monday night. They felt my pain; in fact, one of them even opined that I should change my usual sign-off to something like "I'm Jim Koski, going home to take off my pants, and that's another slice of 'Life in the 906'".

That would work, right?


Sadly, we'll soon be to that time of the year when I won't have this particular matter to complain about, as it'll be so cold that even I will have to wear pants every single day. But when you have a stretch of weather as nice as the one we had this past weekend, it sure takes a lot of willpower to put on a pair of pants.

Even if it's just for an hour.


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