Friday, August 2, 2024

Friday, 8/2

This is going to be my weekend off.

As you know, it's been busy and weird the past few weeks. Two weekends ago I had to work in order to get ready to head downstate. Then last weekend I was downstate with Loraine's family. Next weekend I have Ore to Shore. So you know what I'm doing this weekend?

Absolutely nothing.

Well, in all honesty, I will be doing a few things—laundry, playing soccer, writing my TV piece for Monday, making cookies, and (hopefully) eating part of a blueberry pie. But other than that, I'm trying to take it easy.

Whether or not I succeed...well, that's up in the air at the moment.

I've been trying not to mention this or dwell on it on it too much, but it's August already. After this weekend Labor Day is but three weekends away. Summer is (literally) almost over, and I really haven't had the chance to enjoy it yet. Sure, I've taken a half day here and a half day there, but between everything going on and a rainy start to the summer, I haven't had the chance to soak up the sun, jump on my bike and just start riding, or dip my toes into Lake Superior.

And I'm starting to run out of time to do that.

So with any luck this is the weekend I'll get to do at least one of them. After all, what with Ore To Shore next weekend and Labor Day looming on the horizon I'm quickly running out of time to do any of them.

Wish me luck. And I hope that YOU get everything you want to do done this weekend!


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