Monday, August 19, 2024

Monday, 8/19

 There was much more to the story than even I could have imagined.

One of the first things I did during this insanely busy summer was to host my “Walk on the Wild Side: the Very Historical (Yet Slightly Sketchy) Story of Founder's Landing”. You may remember that, if only because I was dragging 250 people through that area of Marquette. One of the things I sprinkled throughout the tour was the story of a prostitute named Mary Ann Peck, a story that seemed to have captured the imagination of everyone who was on the walk, especially because she had a daughter and was then sent away to prison.

The next day, because people kept asking, especially about the daughter, Beth Gruber at the Marquette Regional History Center did a little digging, and found out that history is weird, interesting, and takes turns that you never would have expected. You see, the daughter of Mary Ann Peck, a prostitute, had four children, one of whom ended up a Monsignor in the Catholic Diocese of Marquette...a Monsignor whose name adorns a building at St Michael's Church in Marquette.

Don't believe me? Check out the newspaper story Beth and I wrote about it--just CLICK OR TAP HERE.

Assuming the weather holds, I'm giving the tour again Wednesday night, and will be adding the extra information in the amazing story of Mary Ann Peck, her daughter, her grandson, a story that I never would have expected to end up the way it did.

All I can say is this—history rocks.

(, reprising “Legends & Lore” with Jack at the Lake Superior Theatre tonight, should you be interested.

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