Thursday, August 29, 2024

Thursday, 8/29

I have not one but two appointments this morning, which means that I need to get my butt in gear, which means that you get to read something you may have read before. I mean, I wrote in 2016, so you may not even remember it (heck, I hardly remembered it) but it's still apropos, if you know what I mean.

Back with something new to wrap the week up tomorrow!



(as originally posted August 14th, 2016)

Kids these days.

I have a co-worker who's in his mid 20s. He was talking to a compatriot of his; she's in her mid 20s, as well, and they were discussing a couple of people they were both looking to interview. Since she's new to the area he was giving her a few pointers, which included this gem--

“They're in their early to mid 40s, which means they're on the cusp of being old”.

Yup. Kids these days.

I have to admit that my first reaction was to (literally) do a spit take. I was drinking tea and laughed so hard some shot out of my mouth. I couldn't help myself. And just so you know? Blueberry-acai tea is REALLY hard to get out of a white shirt.

My second reaction was what I assume anyone at or past their early to mid 40s would do or say, and that was to shake my head at the wonder of it all. I can't say this with any certainty, but something along those lines may have popped into my brain when I was in my mid 20s. Back then, I probably thought that anyone in the early to mid 40s was about to be old. And I was wrong. Really really wrong.

After all, when you get to be my age, you realize that it's actually people in their 60s or 70s who are really, really old.

That's a joke; after all, you're only as old as you feel. And I can see why someone in their 20s might feel like someone in their 40s is getting old. But I would also point out to people in their 20s that they themselves will one day be in their 40s—in fact, it'll happen much quicker than they think—and maybe they might want to modify what they're thinking.

Of course, there's no way anyone in their 20s would believe what I was saying. It's just one of those things you have to experience for yourself before you realize it's true. Maybe it's something you can't comprehend until you yourself have jumped over the cusp of being old.


I'm sure my friend has no idea that what he said was so funny, at least to me. But who knows—maybe, when he's in his early to mid 40s and on the “cusp” being old, he'll have an acquaintance who makes a comment like the one he made, and he can then sit there, shake his head, and mutter that wonderful phrase--

“Kids these days”. 

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