Thursday, August 22, 2024

Thursday, 8/22

I'm not going to write much today because I don't know how many people will see it.

You see, we're in the midst of incorporating our website——into the greater Eagle Radio site, which is Whenever the change is made—if it hasn't been already—you'll still be able to access these ramblings, plus a whole lot of other stuff, by still typing in You'll just be redirected to the new site. Or you can access them directly at

Either way will work, but for those of you who've bookmarked the page or have the address memorized (something I haven't even done), you won't see anything any more. And that's why I'm keeping this short & simple. It'll take a day or two for everything to shake out & settle down, as with everything new. But once it's up & running, it should be just fine.  And even if you miss a day or two, you'll still be able to go back and read them all, just like you can now.

Unlike, say, all the on-air promos & sweepers that mention “” and only “”. I've been trying to find & replace them all, but there are so many hidden in all different little nooks & crannies that I have the feeling I still be find old ones a year from now.

Wish me luck. And have fun checking out the new site; as we plan on adding more & more stuff to it. Perhaps, even another way to (ahem) listen to these daily ramblings.

Hint hint.



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