Friday, September 6, 2024

Friday, 9/6

I wonder if it would be heaven on earth or if even I would get a little irritated by it?

Knowing my preference in weather, one of my co-workers yesterday mentioned that for the 100th day in a row it was at least 100 degrees in Phoenix, Arizona. At the moment (what with it only supposed to be in the 50s today in Marquette) conditions like that seem like paradise, especially because it's a dry heat.

But I wonder how I would handle 100 straight days of it.

Mind you, if given a choice between 100 straight days of 100 degree temperatures or 100 straight days of snow & cold I know which I would choose in a heartbeat. But 100 straight days? I think I could handle it, and I would sure like to try...

But that IS a long time.

I mean, I'm sure I'd be fine with it and, as I mentioned, it's so much preferable to the alternative. But a small part of me wonders if, somewhere around day 80 or so, I'd utter something I never thought I would utter--

“Boy, I sure could go for some snow right about now”.

At that point, of course, the world would stop spinning on its axis and the Lions might actually win a Super Bowl, so would I really WANT to tempt fate like that?


All I know it that 100 degrees for 100 straight days sounds like paradise. Whether or not it might turn out to be one, though, might be an entirely different matter.

Have a great weekend, even if here in Marquette it won't be anywhere near that 100 degree mark!


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