Monday, September 16, 2024

Monday, 9/16

For once we were not cursed..

Loraine and I are back from Chicago, where we had lots of fun during our little weekend getaway. Pictures are forthcoming tomorrow or Wednesday; as always, I took waaaaay too many, and haven't even started going through them yet. But for the first time in a long time we did not bring our travel curse with us, our singular talent for leaving Marquette, giving you great weather, and bringing the rain with us wherever we go.

You're welcome. Chicago.

While you were enjoying a VERY summer like weekend, we had pretty much the same in the City of Big Shoulders.  And we were trying to figure out the last time we left and had the weather for forecast the city we're visiting not rapidly deteriorate while the weather in Marquette turns out to be amazingly nice.

Don't believe me? Just ask the people in Freiburg, Germany's sunniest city, which had four cold days of rain when we visited earlier this year, only to have the sun & warmth return the day we left.

That's one special talent we have there.

I mean, I KNOW we have nothing to do with the weather; if we did, you better believe that our forecast in Marquette would be sunny and 80 365 days a year. But it just seems...odd that whenever we leave the weather here becomes nice and the weather at our destination isn't as good as it normally is. I can't explain it, and I know it's just the result of a fluke, of random chance. But you'd think that after a while the odds would be in our favor. 

And this weekend, for the first time in a long time, they were.

Fortunately (or unfortunately, depending upon your point of view) we won't have a chance to test that theory again, as after a busy summer we're not scheduled to go anywhere any time soon. But when we do, I'll be very curious to see if the weather at whichever destination we're visiting is as nice as the weather we (usually) leave at home.


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