Friday, September 20, 2024

Friday, 9/20

Well, the change is finally here.

A couple of weeks ago I wrote a shot blog about how the way you read this would be changing, and then...nothing happened. You forgot about it, and I kinda forgot about it myself until yesterday, when I went to check on something and noticed that when you typed in '” that it redirected to the new “” website.

No one told me it would finally be happening, which would have been nice, but at least I now know, right?

Anyway, if you've been reading these directly from the Blogspot site on which I write them, absolutely nothing will change. But if you did visit our old website to get to them; well, you'll now have to visit our new website to read them. And while you're there, if you wanna check out the sites for the other stations in our group, go ahead. After all, the whole idea behind this was to stick all the stations at one easy site.  It's been in the works for QUITE a while now, and it's nice to see that it's finally ready to go.

So hopefully, you would have found the new way to get to these; otherwise, I'm just writing this particular one for practice, which I really don't need. And if you're new to these, just scroll down. The past (I think) eight years of my babbling is contained below this one, so if you're really looking for something to do this weekend, there you go.

Just remember—I make no guarantee that you'll come out of an experience like that with any sanity left. You've been reading these for years, now.  You'll understand WHY I can't make that guarantee, right?



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