Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Wednesday, 9/4

I am not he.

I'm not quite sure why, but several times the past few days I have had people wish me "good luck in the election". Now, as far as I know, I'm not running for anything, nor am I behind a ballot proposal or other issue. Yet, several people have wished me "good luck".

Because, apparently, they're mistaking me for someone else.

I know who they're mistaking me for--an ex media personality running for state house--but I have no idea why I'm being mistaken for him. We look nothing alike, our policy positions are probably nothing alike, and the only thing we have in common is that for a year and a half we appeared on the same TV station and were in the same picture on the side of a bus. But other than that...

We're VERY different people.

It's funny, and it's actually part of being in the media. People recognize you, but they're sometimes not quite sure of HOW they recognize you. They know you're in the public eye, but unless they spend a lot of time watching or listening someone else may pop into their head when they see you. That's why I've been wished "good luck" twice the past two weeks.

But never fear. I am NOT running for any office; in fact, I'll probably never run for office. I don't know why anyone would want to embark on a project where as soon as you announce half the people start to loathe you. Maybe I'm just a wimp in that regard, but I don't think I have the (pardon the political pun) constitution to be unliked by 50% of the population. Call it a character flaw on my part, but that's how I feel.

So...once again, I am not running for office. You can wish me luck in the election, if you'd like, but I'm not running for anything. And, just so you know, I'm not him.

Really, I'm not.



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