Thursday, September 26, 2024

Thursday, 9/26

Because life's so insane these days, it'll be nice to have a long weekend.

That, I guess, is my way of telling you that I won't be here tomorrow. I know; I just took a long weekend in Chicago, and like many people, I'll have Monday the 14th off, as well. But I'm also taking tomorrow off for two reasons. The first is that Loraine's taking the day off, and the second is the reason why Loraine's taking the day off.

Her dad's coming up to visit.

You may recall that Loraine's mom passed away a few months ago, and we wanted her dad to get away for a little bit. It didn't take that much arm twisting; even when we were downstate for the funeral he was talking about all the things he wanted to do up here, led off by a visit to Blackrocks (the brewery, not the actual rocks, although after a few at the brewery you never know, right?).

So while you're all important to me, my favorite father-in-law in the world is a little more important, if you know what I mean.

And I use that phrase--”my favorite father-in-law in the world”--quite literally. Jokingly, I once referred to myself as his favorite son-in-law in the world (which I am, if for no other reason than he has no other kids -in-law and I win by default, whether I deserve it or not). He then started to call himself my “favorite father-in-law in the world”, because, well, I don't have another, at least not that I know of. So we've been using those phrases for years now, and if I'm gonna have a “favorite father-in-law in the world”, he's a great one to have.

That's why I won't be here tomorrow.

It's probably a good thing I'm taking as long weekend, as well, as next week starts shooting on the latest season of “High School Bowl”, plus another, whole new TV project I haven't even talked about in here yet..

Yes, I know I need to learn how to say “no”. But as both you & I know, that's probably not gonna happen any time soon. So...details on that new project next week.

Enjoy your weekend...whether it's long or not!


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