Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Tuesday, 9/10

It's happening again.

Over the year I've written about a personality quirk of mine. Actually, over the years I've written about many personalty quirks of mine, but the one to which I'm specifically referring is my weird habit of locking into a particular song and listening to it over and over again. I don't know how it happens or why it happens, but happen it does, as evidenced by the fact that (he says checking his iTunes program) I've listened to this particular song 68 times in the past week.

And seeing as how it's a six minute long song, that means I've spent a LOT of time over the past week listening to this particular song.

That song? Al Stewart's “Time Passages”

Now, why I've spent that much time listening to a 45 year old song escapes me. I have no idea why I started listening to it; probably, it popped up on a shuffle, I hit “repeat”, and before you know it, 68 consecutive listens have followed. While I don't know why I listened to it the first, I do know why I hit “repeat”. It's a very symphonic song, with a great string arrangement and sax & guitar solos that fit right into the orchestral feel. In fact, last night I even woke up with the song stuck in my head and a vision of an orchestra playing the sax solo section of it.

Yes, I need help. What's your point?

I'm sure I'll stop listening to it soon; if nothing else, going to Chicago on Thursday pretty much guarantees that. However, that doesn't mean it won't happen again sometime in the near future, and while it probably won't be “Time Passages”, I do have to wonder--

What song will I be listening to 68 times in a row next?


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