Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Wednesday, 9/11

Well, it's all over except the shouting.

Actually, I hope there won't be any shouting involved, but 24 hours from now Loraine and I should be in Chicago to kick off four days of eating, walking, eating, shopping, eating, exploring, eating, and going to a soccer match. The match was actually our primary reason for going this weekend, but seeing as how the player we originally went to see is a). hurt, and 2). left his wife & kids in Sweden to take up with another woman and thereby became a douche-bag, the match is the least of our concerns this time around.

If we even go to it, that is. We might just head over to Soldier Field, see what it's like inside, and then leave. I hope the host Chicago Fire wouldn't be too upset by that.

Because the primary reason for the trip was a soccer match, we're staying in a different place than we did before, a hotel near the border of The Loop and Printer's Row neighborhoods. That means we'll have new places to explore, with Grant Park right nearby, and jaunts to Greektown and our favorite Indian restaurant just a few steps away.

Did I mention one of the things we want to do on this trip is eat?

Now, because of this little getaway there won't be a new one of these until Monday, so feel free to come back then. In the meantime, wish us luck, keep your fingers crossed the weather forecast holds up, and, above all, enjoy the amazingly summer-like forecast that's supposed to come your way!


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