Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Wednesday, 8/19

 Coronavirus 2, Jim & Loraine's travels 0.

We got the call last night we didn't want to hear, informing us that our trip to France has been, indeed, officially canceled. I know I mentioned yesterday that I thought it would be the 27th, when the EU would shut the door on us, but nope. This time it was American Airlines, informing us that while we could still get to London there's no way we could get to Paris from there, thanks to a new quarantine rule between the two countries.

C'est la vie.

Like I mentioned yesterday we've known for months that we weren't going to be able to go, but to actually have it officially pronounced that way still stings. On one hand, it means that I won't have to spend the next few weeks working ahead to get ready to go, and the work that I have done means I might be able to enjoy a day off here or there. After all, I now have eight extra vacation days I have to use.

On the other hand, it also means that 2020 has won. Again.

At this point we have no idea when or if we'll ever be able to travel again. People have asked me why I was even looking forward to traveling to Europe, instead of maybe going to someplace in the US. And my answer is this—Covid-19 is under control in most of Europe, while it's running rampant in most of the US. It's actually a whole lot safer in Europe than it is in the US. The reason we can't go to Europe is because of states like Florida and Texas, states people suggested I visit.

So why would I want to go to places like that, you know?

While it is a bummer, we shall survive. 2020 only has a few months left, and I have the feeling that once the end of the year rolls around and things change in the US that life will start to get back on track, people might actually see that masks are good things and/or a vaccine will be developed, and slowly (probably too slowly, but we'll take what we can get) life will return back to normal.

We'll just have to see if we'll be able to go somewhere after that.


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