Friday, August 28, 2020

Friday, 8/28

I suppose I should get out & visit the park at least once.  After all, it is named for part of my family. 

 I've been spending a lot of time riding the Iron Ore Heritage Trail this summer, and if you're familiar with the trail you know the park to which I'm referring. Just past where you cross County Road 492 right outside of Marquette, and where the trail used to turn from pavement to gravel (at least before they paved it this year), you'll notice a bench and a sign pointing toward the “Schwemwood Park” trail-head. I usually keep going past it, but I really should stop one day and check it out. 

 After all, I'm part of the extended Schwemin family for whom it's named. 

 The park was donated to Marquette Township by my late great Aunt Evelyn (my grandfather's sister)15 or so years ago. It was the last part of the old Schwemin family farm that hadn't yet been sold off to & developed by Walmart, Michael's, and Starbucks (a process that was actually started by my parents, when they started their auto repair facility (now Lafayette Collision) 45 years ago). Right behind the strip malls & big box stores sits several acres of trees & trails, not something you'd expect in an insanely busy commercial district. 

 That's probably another reason I should actually pay it a visit. 

And here's a third reason—I actually spent the first few years of my life just a couple of hundred feet from the park. In fact, even though I would have no memory of it, I probably was on the land quite a few times. You see, my parent's first home was on the edge of my mom's family's farm. The house, in fact, sat pretty much where the back driveway to Walmart is now located. For the first four or so years of my life I lived there, and have seen pictures of a young me in the woods behind the house So who knows—maybe I've been in the park, and just didn't know it. 

 I just haven't been there since it actually BECAME a park. 

 So on one of these trips I may have to take a few seconds, hop off my bike, and take a stroll through the trails. After all, there is a bit of history behind it, and unlike many of the historical things I study, it's actually a bit of family history. 

 And you don't get the chance to do that that often. 

 On that note, have yourself a fantastic weekend...the last one (sob) of meteorological summer.


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