Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Tuesday, 8/25

 I don't know if I should be surprised or not, but most of the color is already gone.

As I posted yesterday, I colored my hair purple over the weekend. The first day the purple was bright and vivid, the second day it was a little more muted, and when I woke up this morning it was barely there, just acting as highlights in the black & gray that normally covers my head.


This is both bad & good. It's bad because the coloring I bought says it would last 35 shampoos, and I'm still something like 33 shampoos away from that. So so much for truth in advertising. It's good in that I actually wanted it to be subtle. I actually wanted it to act as highlights in the black & gray that normally covers my head.

Now I'm just hoping that it doesn't disappear any further, that it actually sticks around for the 35 shampoos for which they promise. We'll see.

I put a picture of the purple up on Facebook over the weekend, and it engendered all kind of comments, including one that said, and I quote, “I don't know you, but why would you do that to yourself”? Well, if that person DID know me, they'd know why. They'd know of this...obsessive curiosity I've had with my Corona Curls, they'd know of my fondness for purple, and they'd know that I have no problem making a fool of and/or a statement about myself.

Most people, however, found it a cool thing.

I have no idea how long the purple will last. I could wake up tomorrow and it may be all gone. I'll be disappointed, but I'll live. After all, it was just an experiment.

An experiment I'm glad I conducted.

(jim@wmqt.com) who, by the way, left the long hair & Corona Curls on my head...at least for now.

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