Friday, August 7, 2020

Friday, 8/7

My list would be incredibly small, from the looks of it.

I came across a fascinating article  last night about Americans who are stranded in other countries thanks to the Coronavirus, and what they're missing most, food-wise, about the US. Most of the answers were for things like Velveeta Cheese & ranch dressing, two items I have to admit I do not like very much. So that got me to thinking...what would I miss, food-wise, if I were stuck in Europe?

As it turns out, hardly anything.

In fact, I actually think I'm missing more things (many more things) being stuck in the US and not being able to go to Europe (see yesterday's blog for more on that) to enjoy them. Thankfully, a lot of the things I miss I can still get sent to me (including the Roobois tea with vanilla I'm drinking as I write this). But not everything, sadly. So I decided to flip the tables. Say I was stuck in Europe. What foods from the U.S. WOULD I miss? After as I can tell, it would be just these--

TURKEY. Outside of some pre-processed lunch meat, I haven't seen a lot of turkey anywhere in Europe. But I'm not surprised; it's more of a North American delicacy than anything.

MEXICAN FOOD. Actually Mexican food with a great mole sauce.

CUBANS. The sandwiches, that is.

CORN BREAD. Someone in the article says she's learned how to make it using polenta, as cornmeal really isn't available in Europe. So maybe that should only qualify as half a item.

BLACKROCKS HONEY LAV BEER. It's the only American beer I can actually drink. But since Europe is the beer capital of the world, maybe that should only qualify as half an item, as well.

That's it. Four things. I wouldn't miss Chee-tos, bologna, boxed macaroni & cheese, or deep-friend anything, all of which made the list of Americans currently struck aboard. Once again, I seem to find myself a stranger in a strange land.

Good thing I'm used to it.

I'll spend a few seconds enjoying the tea & chocolate I still have from Europe. I hope YOUR weekend is great, too...and filled with foods that you'd miss if you couldn't get them!


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