Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Tuesday, 8/18

 To quote my friend Deanna, it's better than good. It's done.

Yesterday morning I handed over the flash drive containing the mastered version of “Third Street: Day & Night” to the fine folks at the Marquette Regional History Center. It goes up for sale tomorrow on their website and then I won't have to think about it again.

Woo hoo!!

I know I've been mentioning it a lot recently, and sometimes in not glowingly positive terms, but I had a lot of fun making it. Sure, I wish I had more time and sure, I wish I had more technology than my five year old laptop, but as I mentioned to someone yesterday I'm 97.5 percent happy with the way it turned out.

And considering it wasn't even a concept two months ago, I can live with that.

If I do another one (a big “if”, at the moment), I'll be able to put a lot of lessons learned from this one into that one. As I transitioned from making the short videos I was doing during the stay-at-home weeks to this longer one, I discovered what I could & couldn't do with the tools at my disposal. And if you know where to look during the video, you can really tell. One of the last segments of it I put together was about the history of the building that houses Stucko's, and to me, at least, it looks completely different than some of the first parts I put together. No one else has noticed it until I point it out, and I'm sure that anyone not knowing what I'm talking about would notice, either. But if you do watch it there are several things about that segment that I wish I would've known about while I was doing some of the first segments.

But that's life.

So now that that's done, I have to turn my attention to the trip of ours that's supposed to start September 3rd but will probably be officially canceled on the 27th, when the EU meets to reconsider their travel ban on Americans. But until they officially cancel it, I have to work on the assumption that we're going, even though we know we're not. It's the same as I had to do back in April for our trip to Leipzig.

And that sucked.

Of course, if I have to work ahead that means I may actually have enough work stocked up to take a few days off. And who knows—if that happens, maybe I'll have a little time to think about whether or not I want to make another video just like “Third Street: Day & Night”.

We'll have to see!


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