Monday, August 24, 2020

Monday, 8/24

 Well, it didn't turn out QUITE like I thought it would, but here 'tis--

Yup; after weeks of ruminating about it and/or threatening to do it, I put the purple dye I bought Thursday into my hair. I honestly thought I would get black hair with purple highlights. Instead, I have purple hair with black (and gray) highlights. I'm wondering if perhaps I should've used a slightly different shade; maybe a plum, or something a little more subtle.

But, you know, if you're gonna do it, do it whole hog.

The reactions to it have been for the most part quite positive and for the most part quite fun. I've also learned something else—a large majority of people who said something mentioned they like the long hair I've been sporting recently, the “Corona Curls” that have been growing since March. I didn't really expect that, and that now sets up a quandary.

You see, I colored my hair purple at this particular time because I have a hair appointment tonight. I figured if I didn't like the color that I could get my hair cut to its normal length and it wouldn't be quite as noticeable. And, to be honest, I'm still undecided about the color, so I had been leaning ever-so-slightly toward getting the curls chopped off. But now that people have said what they said, I'm not quite so sure.

I know. I'm devoting way too much thought to all of this. But I've been devoting way too much thought to this hair since March, so why change now?

As I type this I have no idea what I'm going to do tonight. As it is, I'll probably change my mind a couple of hundred times between now and 7. I just have no idea how it'll end up.

I'll let you know tomorrow, I guess.


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