Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Tuesday, 5/5

I am once again astounded at how nature moves on whether we're paying attention to it or not. But this time, it's in a good way!!

With everything going on, and with me, as I explained last week, not even realizing it's “spring”, I saw this on my favorite lilac tree walking to work yesterday. They weren't anywhere near that advanced Friday morning,but the relatively warm temperatures we had Friday & Saturday must've helped them out quite a bit.

Now, we just have to hope that the cold of this week doesn't cause them to scurry back into the branches from which they're budding!

Another thing I had mentioned last week was how I seem to have been using these ramblings as sort of a personal diary of what's happening during the Corona-tine (a term, I must admit, I stole from someone else). It seems like a lot of people have been writing or journaling or photographing their way through the past few months, and it's actually inspired several historical organizations around Marquette, including the History Center, to ask for copies of whatever you're doing.

Seeing as how we're living through history, we might as well make sure future generations know how we handled it, right?

So if you have writings you wanna donate, or pictures, or tickets to a cancelled event—basically, anything that documents what we're going through now—let the History Center know.. Think of it this way—in 10 or 50 or 100 years someone might use YOUR thoughts or your contributions to write a paper or try to recreate exactly what it is we're going through these days.

Because, you know, whether we want to or not, we're making that history each and every day.

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