Monday, May 11, 2020

Monday, 5/11

I guess there's a first time for everything.

Later today I'm gonna do something I've never done before. I'm gonna do something I've never even considering doing, nor have had the actual ability to do. And yet, I'm gonna do it. What is that “it”, you ask? Well, I answer...

I'm going on a sports talk show because I'm an “expert”.

Let me guess—you just did a spit take with your morning coffee, right? I know I would. But it's true. Little old me, the person who knows mostly nothing about sports, will be a guest on our little brother ESPN U.P. talking about, of all things, the Bundesliga.

And here you thought my trips to Germany were a waste.

As I wrote last Friday the Bundesliga starts playing this Saturday. Their games are shown in the US, and will probably be watched by more people than usual because, aside from Korean baseball, there's nothing else available, live sports-wise, in the US. So Tanner, who hosts “The Sportspen” every day, figured he'd try to educate the audience on the teams and personalities in the Bundesliga and figured that because I went to see a game in person last year I'm that expert.

Jim Koski, Sports Expert. Guess I'm gonna need new business cards now.

I still can't stop laughing; as most everyone who's ever met me knows, I'm not a big sports guy. There are the Colts, the Tour de France, and, now, the Bundesliga. That's it. If you stuck me on “The Sportspen” and asked me to talk about anything they normally discuss I'd spent the entire segment going “Ahhhh..” and “I have no idea”. But I know enough—just enough—to do an interview and sound like I know what I'm talking about. I mean, I'll know I'm no expert and you'll know I'm no expert but hopefully, the listeners won't.

We'll see how that turns out.

In the past we've met Radio Jim, and TV Jim, and History Jim, and even, twice a year, Finish Line Jim. And later today, for perhaps the only time in recorded human history, we'll also meet Sports Jim.

Who knew?

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