Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Tuesday, 5/12

Maybe, just maybe, this should be taken as a sign of optimism.

You may recall that we got lucky shooting “High School Bowl” this past year. Because of the insanity of cancelled days and more cancelled days last year, we actually finished shooting the season earlier that usual this year. Of course, with all the crap that's happened since March that was a good thing. We were able to get all of our shows done and aired like nothing weird was going on.

Even though there was a LOT of weird was going on.

Well, in that sign of optimism I just mentioned, in a few hours I'm going to a socially-distanced and masked meeting for the express purpose of setting up next season's shooting schedule. That's right; we're assuming schools will be open this fall and students will be able to come to Marquette for the 43rd season of the show.

I just hope that optimism's not misplaced.

I've actually thought quite a bit about whether or not the show would go on as normal over the past few months. Unlike some, it's not a show that you can really do remotely; you need to have the students in the studio hitting their buzzer. You also need a camera crew to shoot it. About the only thing that could be done, social distancing-wise, would be to shoot without an audience. But other than that, we'd need to shoot it as we normally do.

I suppose we could, if needed, wear masks while taping. That would make for some interesting TV, although I'm sure there are many viewers (me among them) who would claim it improves my look. Aside from some muffled answers, though, something like that would work. And who knows—it COULD be interesting. We'd be relying more on things like eye gestures than ever before, instead of smiles. But who knows how that might turn out.

I mean, I hope we don't have to find out, but it could be interesting.

With that, I am off to my socially-distanced meeting. Hopefully, the schedule (and any needed contingency plan will come off without a hitch. Keep your fingers crossed!

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