Thursday, May 19, 2022

Thursday, 5/19

I wonder which will cross the finish first—me, or the lilacs?

As you know (and are probably sick of by now) I've been watching as the lilacs on my favorite bush slowly peek their heads out. This morning, in fact?

No, that's okay. No need to thank me for the picture. I'd do it for anyone


Anyway, as you may also know Loraine and I are heading downstate tomorrow to drop in on her parents for a few days. We're set to be back in Marquette Monday afternoon. And that's what's making me wonder—will the lilacs fully pop out before we get back?

I won't miss that magical moment, will I?

In all honesty, I don't think I will; based on my obsessive observation of lilacs the past few decades I'm guessing they're still a week or so away from blooming and releasing their magical scent. I could be wrong; after all, I'm wrong about things quite often. But with the weather forecast on the chilly side the next few days I don't think they'll quite be out by Monday afternoon.

We'll see. Either way, I can't wait to start sniffing!


Like I said, we're heading downstate tomorrow, so there won't be one of these either Friday or Monday. Tuesday I'll have the story of our visit, along with any pictures I take showing off (as Loraine calls it ) “The Awesome Flatness of Reese”.

Have a great extended weekend!


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