Thursday, May 12, 2022

Thursday, 5/12

Okay, Facebook, what's the deal?

One of the places where those “Pieces of the Past” videos I make end up is on Facebook, both on my personal page and the “You Know You're From Marquette If...” group page. This time around, I've been posting three every two weeks—on Sunday and Thursday of the first week, and then Tuesday of the second week. Then I start over.

In looking at the statistics for all the videos I've posted since late February I've noticed something interesting. Or, perhaps, disturbing. I'm not quite sure yet. The videos I post to my personal page, no matter which day of the week, get lots of views, likes & comments. The videos I post to the “You Know You're From Marquette If” group page on the Thursdays and Tuesdays get lots of views, likes, and comments. But when I put them up on Sunday they hardly get any views, likes, or comments.

What's the deal, Facebook?

I've contacted the administrator of the page and she has no idea what's going on. Other people post things on Sunday and those gets sent through normally. But, for whatever reason, when I post something on Sundays it doesn't get sent to everyone within the group. A few people see it and can react to it, but the majority of people?


I mean, in all truth it's not that big of a deal. That group is just one of the places where I post the videos. And if anyone wanted to see one of the videos they may have missed they could always go to the History Center's website & check it out. It's just...strange that it happens on Sunday and only Sunday.

Guess I won't be posting any of the remaining three videos for the season on that day of the week now, will I?

Speaking of this past Sunday's video (the one that made me notice the fact it wasn't getting viewed by everyone) here 'tis. And it's kind of one I wanted people to see, especially because this past Sunday was VE Day. So here you go!


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