Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Wednesday, 2/17

 Okay, you may not believe this, but “Hong Kong Phooey” has struck again.

No, I’m not talking about my childhood love for the cartoon, nor the blog written about it yesterday. Instead, I’m talking about how just the name “Hong Kong Phooey” made me remember something I’d totally forgotten about for over a decade. Here’s the story--

I write a LOT. Not just these blogs, not just notes & letters, not just promos and and newscasts and other station stuff, not just all the stuff I do for the History Center, but I’m always dabbling with things that pop into my brain...stories, parodies, fake commercials, and whatnot. Sometimes, they end up on the air or on the web. Oftentimes, they don’t. And that's why I hadn’t thought of something for over a decade, until “Hong Kong Phooey” reminded me of it.

Because this particular concept never got past the writing stage.

Sometime in the 90s, and I don't even remember when, something popped into my head while running (between that and taking a shower, the two activities that seem to provide me with the greatest of creative sparks). It was an idea for a audio “cartoon”; basically, little 5 or 7 minute segments about 2 characters, one smart and one not, who found themselves facing wacky & improbable adventures. I actually wrote the script for one of them, with a plot involving caricatures of Arnold Swartzenegger and Axl Rose, as well as a murderous Teddy Ruxpin doll and the heretofore unknown terrorist arm of Up With People.

You don’t think THAT was a lawsuit waiting to happen?

Why did it take “Hong Kong Phooey” to remind me about this whole thing? Well, one of the stupid running gags I had running through the script was the attachment the “dumb” character had to a “HKP” lunch box, a lunch box that eventually held the resolution to the story.

I know. Go figure.

Anyway, the concept was waaaaaaaaay too involved, both writing and production-wise (and paid a little too much of a homage to my real favorite cartoon of all time “Rocky & Bullwinkle”), so I never did anything with it after writing the script. Sadly, I don’t even know where that is anymore; after moving four or five times since writing it, I’m sure it’s in a box somewhere. I just have no idea in which box.

Or where that box may be.

Speaking of writing, that reminds me. I have a story to share. That's tomorrow unless, of course, “Hong Kong Phooey” rears his head again. And the way this week is going, you never know.



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