Monday, February 22, 2021

Monday, 2/22

 That was an interesting phone call.

While I was toiling away at work Friday, trying to get all the stuff done that I needed to get done, I received a phone call on our main station business line. Since I'm the only one working here, I felt compelled to answer it. The call went something like this--

Jim--“Hi, WMQT”

Guy--“Howdy. Are you having a good day?”


Guy--“Glad to hear it. Now, I’m calling about that offer you had on TV this morning. You know, about those pills that will make your, you know, your “thing” bigger”.

Jim--“Excuse me?”

Guy on the phone--“You know...those pills you just ran a commercial for. The pills that make you grow bigger. I need ‘em”.

Jim (not sure if this is a joke or something serious)--“Sir, this in a radio station. In Michigan”.

Guy on the phone--“Well, I’m in Georgia, and I thought you were selling those pills. I just saw your commercial on TV”.

Jim--“Well, one, we’re a radio station, and two, well, we’re a radio station. In Michigan”.

Now, by this point, you would’ve thought the caller would’ve just given up. But, no, he was convinced that we were selling those magic pills. And what’s more, he launched into this whole spiel about why he needed them, a conversation about which I will spare you the details because, in all honesty, my brain’s still reeling from an extreme case of “Too Much Information” overload. I didn’t have the heart to tell him that it’s all a scam; I really doubt any kind of pills, even if they exist, would help him.

I'm not quite sure why we were the lucky recipients of the call. My best guess would be a typo on the phone number on the TV spot, but that's just a guess. I have no concrete idea and no concrete proof.  If I keep getting the calls, then my guess might be proven correct. But if this was a one-off call, something never to be repeated again, then maybe the guy just dialed the wrong number. Maybe AT&T (or whichever service he uses) wanted to play a practical joke on him (or me). Or maybe, just maybe, we can just chalk it up to this being the 14th month of 2020.

Nothing would surprise me any more

(, who may (or may not) answer the phone at work today.

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