Friday, February 26, 2021

Friday, 2/26

 Just what the heck is going on down in Georgia?

We started this week with a story about a phone call from that state, and we'll end it with one, as well. The one I received yesterday from a caller in Georgia wasn't another about a guy wanted to buy some magic pills, which makes me think (if you recall reading on Monday) that he just dialed the wrong number. Nope; the call I got yesterday was from a gentleman who had just received a threatening phone call from the IRS, promising to throw him in jail if he didn't pay up unpaid taxes. And the call came from our main station phone number.

Yup. We've been spoofed.

I don't know if you know about “spoofing”; it's when a scammer (like someone posing as the IRS and threatening an individual) disguises the phone number from which they're calling and instead feeds a false number to someone's caller ID. In this case, they just happened to use our main station phone number. The funny thing, if there is a funny thing about it, is that 1). the gentleman knew it was a scam, and immediately hung up after hear what the caller was threatening, and b). a long time ago he was stationed at KI Sawyer, and knew where the 906 area code was.

So he wanted to let us know what was going on.

The more we rely on technology the more opportunities there seem to be for unscrupulous people. That's why I'm glad the gentleman who called was savvy enough to figure out that we weren't trying to separate him from his money. But it's still...discomforting to know that something like a phone number can be used in that way. I just have to wonder how many other people have received calls from what appeared to be our number, when in reality it was probably some Russian scammer or Albanian mob member.

Kids these days.

Anyway, hope you have a great weekend, one free of spoof calls. Hopefully, I'll be able to make through the next few days without receiving any more phone calls from the state of Georgia. The two in the past week have been interesting enough!


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