Thursday, March 1, 2018

Thursday, 3/1

I've been doing them for almost four years now, but I have yet to see one of them.

Everyone who reads these ramblings on even an occasional basis is well aware of my gig hosting "High School Bowl" on Public TV 13. But I'm guessing not everyone who reads these ramblings on even an occasional basis knows that I've had another TV gig, one that actually started a few months before “High School Bowl”, and that would be hosting the “On The Town” bits that air every Thursday night during Fox U.P.'s 10pm newscast.

See? You didn't know, did you?

For those of you who DON'T know what it is, it's a weekly 90 second spot talking about events that are going on around the U.P. during the upcoming weekend. It gets taped at the station Tuesdays, Tyler adds some video to it, and it then goes out to everyone in Upper Michigan. Or, at least, everyone who's watching the newscast. And since I've never actually seen one of the bits, I'm guessing that doesn't include me.

I know that there are people watching. Twice in the past three weeks I've had people come up to me and mention that enjoy the bits and they enjoy knowing what's going on. And I'm happy that people get something out of them; after all, that's why I agreed to do it. Yet because I'm on TV waaaaaaaay too much as it is, I don't feel the need to personally check it out. I was there when it was taped, so I know what events are going on. Anything else would, at least in my mind, be a display of narcissism that would shame even a politician.

Yet I'm thinking that I should probably watch it once, just to take sure that Fox U.P. isn't doing anything to embarrass me and, more importantly, to make sure I'm not doing anything to embarrass myself. After all, I do watch “High School Bowl”, and even though I really don't like seeing myself on TV, I have noticed a whole bunch of little things that have allowed me to improve my performance on that show as my tenure as host goes on. And even though “On The Town” is only a 90 second stand-up (as opposed to an hour long show) doesn't it deserve the same attention?

I agree. And while I don't know if it'll be tonight, it should be some time soon. After all, I DO put some work into it. I should make sure the work is paying off, right?

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