Thursday, October 5, 2023

Thursday, 10/5

It's never ever the gags I think it will be.

I did another semi-humorous piece on TV a few days ago, a list of the changes we can expect now that October's here. Much of the list were jokes, and since then I've had a couple of people have told me the one line they liked the best. It wasn't the one about Florida being the third peninsula of Michigan, nor was it the one about how October is the only month when Red Wings fans have any hope.

In fact, it was more an observation than a joke. It was a bit about how October is the month when you have to buy more Halloween candy because you've already eaten the Halloween candy you bought when it first went on sale back in August.

Who knew?

It's funny; out of all the gags that made the list, that line was the only one that wasn't UP-specific. It could, in fact, happen anywhere. And who knows—may that was the reason it hit the way it did. It's something everyone can relate to (unlike, say, having to add words like “pank” to your vocabulary). But I put work into some of those gags. The one about Halloween candy just occurred to me while I was typing the other gags in. I basically included it as filler, just in case the piece came out a little short, which it did, which is why it made the final cut.

Where it then, of course, became the standout bit of the piece.

Once again...who knew?

I'm not complaining; nope, I'm just glad there was something in the piece that touched viewers the way it did. It just, once again, goes to show that my tastes and the tastes of the people watching (or listening) aren't anywhere similar. But that's okay.

Now I just have to figure out how to match my taste and the taste of everyone else up, and we'll be all set.


If you didn't see it, click HERE for the full piece.


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