Thursday, October 12, 2023

Thursday, 10/12

I wonder if I'll ever finish the list?

As I mentioned yesterday, I'm still having difficulty hearing out of my left ear (if anything, the sinus pressure in my head actually seems to be a little worse, which should make doing “High School Bowl” tomorrow rather interesting) and I've put off doing some production work until I can hear a little better. Now since production takes a chunk out of my day every day, that means I have a little extra time to try & tackle things on The List.

That's right. I have a list that's so revered it's capitalized.

This is actually a list (or List) I've had going for several years at work of projects I'd like to tackle if I ever have the time. Of course, the past few years (since Covid) have been insane, and instead of trying to chip a piece or two off the List I just keep adding to it. But now, if I have a spare hour or two a day until my ear clears up, doesn't this seem like a perfect time to plow into it?

Well, it would, if I knew where to start.

The List has a LOT of stuff on it, and I'm not quite sure where to start. I know experts say to just pick an item and begin there, but which item to pick? There are some that have been on the List since, I think, 2019, so should I choose one of those? Or should I choose a newer item that might just be a little more important? While actually trying to figure this out will I actually come up with something new that should be on the List, and take care of that right away?

You do realize that by the time I figure this out my ear will probably be back at 100%, right?

Yes, I know I'm overthinking this and yes, I know that I probably shouldn't have let the List go so long without trying to figure it out. But then wouldn't that take all the fun out of it? Wouldn't that remove all the second (and third and fourth) guessing that I could put into figuring out what to do.

Who says it's fun being organized? If you ask me, it's highly over-rated. It really is.


We'll see how things turn out. After all, I'm hopeful my ear returns to normal soon and, if that's the case, the List can keep on growing as I get back to a normal workday. And if my ear doesn't? Well, then maybe--just maybe—I'll dive in the project and see what it's like to handle work like an organized adult would.

Even if I am anything BUT an organized adult...


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