Monday, October 16, 2023

Monday, 10/16

Even though I'm still having trouble hearing out of one ear, I really do lead a charmed life.

First of all, it IS getting better, slowly but surely. And who knows—maybe some year soon I'll be able to hear out of both of my ears equally. Wish me luck!

Second of all, Friday showed me that despite a temporary physical ailment that I really AM one lucky person. In fact, I had three signs of that within a two hour span. The first occurred when I went to tape “High School Bowl” and two of the contestants from Ishpeming showed up saying they wanted to “out dress” me.

Think they did?

After leaving TV-13 I went to get my flu shot, and the lady who gave it to me said that she never misses one of my History Center walking tours, and always has a great time. Then I get to work, check my e-mail, and find a note from the producers of that documentary in which I was a talking head a few months ago, thanking me for “making their film” and inviting me to check it out before it debuts at Fresh Coast this weekend.

Why, everyone sure knows how to make a boy feel liked.


I always joke that “it's not easy being me”, but you know what? I don't think I'd trade my life for anyone else's. I mean, I get to do some amazing things on a daily basis. And every so often, one (or more) of those amazing things actually touches or affects other people. And when I get to hear about something like that, it makes all the work and all the time I put into the 87,000 things I seem to do on a daily basis worth it.

In a world filled with suffering and backbiting and strife and idiocy, I've somehow been able to avoid most of that and instead focus on the good. Not everyone gets to experience that.

And I really AM grateful for whatever sort of charmed existence I get to lead.


Speaking of one of things I do and how lucky I am I get to do it, my bit tonight on TV will either be brilliant or the silliest thing I've ever done. I don't think there's any option in between. I really don't. Check it out at 6:20 or so on TV 19 if you dare, and we'll discuss it in length tomorrow.

Assuming, of course, I survive it.


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