Thursday, October 19, 2023

Thursday, 10/19

It was just a few days ago (Monday, I believe) when I last wrote that my life is weird. And it is—in the past few years I've been able to do everything from host walking tours with 300 people to seeing my face plastered on the side of a bus. Every week it seems like something I never would have dreamed possible occurs, and it just makes me wonder what's coming next.

Don't believe me? Well, how about this—I'm now the “voice” of a plumbing company.

In New Jersey.

This started, like so many things, with an e-mail from a local ad agency wondering I'd like to throw my voice in contention in case any of the accounts they service (from around the country, I might add) were ever interested. Well, one of them, My Guy Plumbing from Tom's River, New Jersey, was, and now if you're ever in Jersey and see one of their TV commercials you'll hear a familiar whiny voice extolling the virtues of having “My Guys” fix your leaky pipes.

See? My life really IS weird.

I have no idea why they chose me; after all, my voice is not the first you'd think of when talking about plumbing or drains. But maybe that's what they were going for; something slightly left of center and out of the ordinary. In that case, I guess, I'd be the perfect person to talk about the subject.

I guess we'll see how it all works out. And at the same time, we'll keep an eye out as to what's coming next. Like I said, every time something unique or weird happens, I think that nothing will top it. And every single time I've said that, the universe simply replies “Hold my beer”. So what's next?

I have no idea. I'm just guessing that being the spokesperson for a New Jersey plumber is not the weirdest thing that may happen to me in the near future.

Whether that' a good or a bad thing...well, we'll see, won't we?


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