Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Wednesday, 3/25

If there is ANYTHING good to come out this whole pandemic, stuck-at-home, self-quarantine era in which we live, I think I may have found it.

I don't see piles of puke walking to work every morning.

As I know I've mentioned in here before, living and working in downtown Marquette does allow one a few unique perks, among them seeing piles of vomit from people who were walking home from the bars the night before. It happens so often, in fact, that Loraine and I know just where to look—between Bluff & Ridge on Front & Third Streets. It's in that area that the physical exertion of walking up the hills causes really drunk people to lose whatever it was sitting in their stomachs. Usually, it's purple, red, or yellow, and it's usually, although not always, in chunks.

It's one of the joys of living in downtown Marquette.

However, since the bars were shut down last week the vomit has disappeared. When I walk to work in the morning (because, of course, I still have to work) the sidewalks are vomit free. The steps at Peter White Public Library (a favored spot for barfing) are vomit free. The streets are vomit free. For the first time in the 18 years I've been working downtown, there's not a sign of spewing, hurling, blowing chunks, or projectile vomit anywhere.

I know it's hard to look for a bright spot in the world these days, but who knows. Maybe I've found it.


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