Friday, March 6, 2020

Friday, 3/6

I had totally forgotten about the newspaper article.

As you know, History Jim's been on a tear recently. In between putting together programs and researching programs and writing programs and actually doing the programs I've also cranked out a bunch of newspaper articles. In a move VERY unlike me, I wrote several one weekend so they'd be done ahead of schedule and I wouldn't forget about having to turn them in.

So with that in mind, I was leafing through the Mining Journal Wednesday when I came across a picture on the back page. Me being me, I thought to myself, “Hey—why is there a picture of Charlie Pong on the back page?” I've told Charlie's story several times before in various settings, and was kind of curious as to who picked up on it and stuck it in the Mining Journal.

As it turns out, that “who” is me, in an article I wrote a month and a half ago and then promptly forgot about.


To quote a great American philosopher, sometimes I amaze even myself. And that was especially true when I came across Charlie Pong's picture in Wednesday's Mining Journal. You think that I'd also realize that underneath his picture was a shot of his grave that I took after cleaning it nine years ago. You'd think, right?

You'd be wrong.

I'm pretty sure, too, that this will happen at least twice in the next few months. The day that I wrote the Pong article I also wrote about the first movie ever made in Marquette (and no, it wasn't “Anatomy”) and the day the president of the US Hobo Association visited Bum's Jungle. I'm kinda guessing I'll have forgotten about those by the time they come out, as well, so if I write this same blog in six weeks, you'll know why.

Because I are an idiot.

If you have some time the next few days and want to check the article out, just click here. Other than that, have yourself a good weekend. Hopefully, you won't forget anything you need to do (or have already done)!

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