Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Wednesday, 3/11

It's never the picture you expect it to be.

As you may recall, I spent part of the very warm and very sunny Sunday afternoon a few days ago walking around and taking pictures. I posted a few of them in here, and stuck other ones up on the “You Know You're From Marquette If...” Facebook group. I finally had a chance to go back in there and see what people said, and you know what?

The picture with the most reactions was not the one I would've expected.

It wasn't a picture of melting snow or a melting harbor or two people melting into each others arms as they walked down the street. was this one--

One of the reasons I went out to take pictures (aside from, as I noted jokingly in Monday's entry, to work on my tan) was that with the snow (mostly) gone and the leaves not yet popped out, you get to see things slightly differently than you do when it's summer. The sun's at a different angle; trees aren't blocking your view. So when I was climbing around a snowbank at the Marquette County Courthouse and saw the two iconic Marquette buildings line up just so, I took the shot.

Apparently, I wasn't the only one who liked it.

With the two buildings quite readily apparently, I had written a caption that mentioned the staggering amount of history that you can get in one shot. Of course, it wasn't until studying it even further that I noticed the old train station photo-bombing the picture, as well as the corner of the First National Bank/Wells Fargo/Flagstar building, as well. I often tell people that it's almost impossible to take a bad picture in downtown Marquette, if only because you never know what might pop up in it.

And unlike something things I might utter, it's not that hyperbolic. It's actually really, really true!

In the interest of full disclosure, the picture I thought would have gotten the most reactions from the Facebook group? You remember this one from Monday, right?

Goes to show what I know, I guess.

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