Monday, March 2, 2020

Monday, 3/2

In a strange way, it was a blast from the past.

First of all, hope you had a good weekend. I know I did, if only because our computers worked the way they were supposed to and I didn't have to spend the weekend babysitting them. I always like when that happens.

Seeing as how they still haven't closed Germany to travelers (at least not yet) I did spend a small part of the weekend digging out stuff I may need when we (hopefully) head over there next month. Part of that entailed searching for a few things that fell behind a bunch of boxes in a closet that has too many boxes.

And that's when I came across the video tape.

The VHS tape was unlabeled and in a black case, so I had no idea what was on it. Thankfully, it wasn't anything embarrassing or that could lead to potential blackmail. Instead, it turned out to be about 10 minutes of video that someone (and I have no idea who) had shot during one of the first times we did our Fourth of July “Parade of Cash” in Ishpeming, which would have been either 1993 or 1994. I don't know why someone shot it, and I certainly have no idea why the tape was sitting in a box in my closet, but I have 10 minutes of video from that year's parade.

Go figure.

Anyway, while the footage isn't that big of a deal to me, I figure there might be someone who's interested in seeing it, if only because they might wanna play “Spot the Ex” in the crowd, or something. So if I can get it into a digital form, I'll stick it up on our station Facebook page for all to see. Unfortunately, like most people, I have no way or transferring it from VHS to digital. While I have a VCR that's still functional (if never used), I don't have a video capture card on any of my computers. Audio, sure. I can work wonders with audio. But I don't have a way to digitize the tape.

I know that I could pay a company to do so, and if I can't find another way to get the project done, that's what I might do. But in the meantime, if you have any suggestions, let me know. After all, that's a piece of history I have in my hands. And wouldn't want me to deny people the chance to play “Spot the Ex”, would you?


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