Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Wednesday, 2/20

Today looks like it will be a busy day.

I have to go shoot the first of two “High School Bowl” episodes for the week in a few minutes; like last week, this show will be one that airs this Saturday. I then have to go to work and do whatever it is I do there. I may take a few moments to curse Mother Nature, especially if we get the snow that's promised. Then after work I have to go make that speech to which I've been alluding the past week or so.

And do some other stuff that goes along with giving it.

I'm in no way complaining; it should, after all, be a very fun day (except, of course, for the snow). And I've been promised treats after the speech tonight and the other stuff that goes along with it, so that's a bonus. It's just another one of those days I wrote about a few weeks ago, when there are so many cool & fun things going on that you don't have a second to sit back and reflect on what just happened before you have to move on to the next one.

I mean, if you're gonna have a problem in your life, that's a good problem to have. So maybe I should just shut up while I can.

Because I have to scoot soon, I will leave you with that, and with this promise—tomorrow, the full scoop on why I had to write a speech, why I have to give it tonight, and why I couldn't tell you the reason behind it.

Assuming, of course, the snow doesn't get to me first.


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