Friday, February 1, 2019

Friday, 2/1

Well, look. For the third time in eight days I won't be taping an episode of “High School Bowl” this morning. I guess my dream of doing a show live is just a little closer to reality.


Speaking of live TV for the second year in a row I will not be watching the Super Bowl this year. Like last year I'm not boycotting it because of players and their social concerns or because of officials and their non-calls; nope, this year I'm boycotting it for the same reason I boycotted it last year.

Because the evil Tom Brady is playing in it.

As a long time Indianapolis Colts fan you can just imagine the relationship I have with the evil one; he's given me enough heartache and caused enough nightmares over the years. So last year, in an effort to save my sanity, my dear wife suggested that I DVR the game and the two of us instead spend our Super Bowl Sunday evening eating pizza and watching “Star Wars” movies. That way, if he did win yet another one I could just ignore it. We ended up having a blast, made even better by the fact that Philadelphia beat the evil Tom Brady and the evil New England Patriots. The next day I scanned through the game, stopping to watch the plays where he was picked up like a rag doll and thrown into the ground.

By the way, have I mentioned I don't like Tom Brady?

Since it worked so well last year we're gonna do it again this year. We even considering expanding it a little, by watching a “Star Wars” movie and then the new “Jurassic World” movie, which I was given as a Christmas gift. Then every time a dinosaur munches on a human I can just imagine it's munching on the evil Tom Brady instead.

It'll be fun.

I hope your weekend is spectacular (and warm, or at least above zero). If you do watch the game, enjoy it, and go Rams. And just think—the evil Tom Brady's gonna have to retire one of these years, and then it'll be safe to lay eyes on the Super Bowl again!

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