Friday, February 22, 2019

Friday, 2/22

Guess what I'm doing two months from tomorrow?

First of all, kudos if you said “still trying to shoot all the 'High School Bowl' episodes canceled by the weather”. That might be a valid answer, although the final episode IS supposed to air ten days before that date, so I hope we don't get to that point (in fact, I'm off to shoot next week's episode in a few). Nope; two months from tomorrow we're going to Germany to watch a soccer game, and then we're coming home.

As I've mentioned in here before, this down & dirty trip is very unlike anything we've ever been done before. We'll be gone for just slightly over a week, and we're still waiting for the team to announce exactly which day the game will be played. They haven't even started selling tickets for it yet, in fact.

THAT'S how down & dirty of a trip this will be.

However, like all excursions over there I have to work ahead to make sure I can miss six days of work. I'm doing well; I'm doing stuff that I usually do at the end of June, which means I'm right on track. But I am wondering about something. Usually, when we go I do two things—I write blogs about the trip each and every day, and each weekday I send back audio reports that get played on the air. The blogs I'll keep doing. The audio reports? I don't know.

Here's why. Like I said, I only do them on weekdays, and not on weekdays that we're traveling. Because of the way this trip is set up there will only be four weekdays when I could send the reports back and have them played on the air, as opposed to the usual eight or nine. That's why I'm wondering if it's even worth it; especially, the second half of the trip, where there would be two weekend days with no reports, one that would play on Monday, and a travel day without one Tuesday before I'm back here (hopefully) Wednesday. To me, at least, it just doesn't seem like there's chance to build up any kind of continuity or momentum.

Of course, that's just me. Your opinion may vary.

Thankfully, I still have a little time to figure out it. In fact, I have two months from tomorrow to figure it out. And if that's the only item that's causing me a moment of thought in the run-up to this little getaway, then we're (hopefully) on a clear glide path to landing.

Keep your fingers crossed. I have to get over to Public TV 13 now, so have yourself a great weekend!

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