Monday, February 4, 2019

Monday, 2/4

So...who won the game last night?

I mean, I say that in jest. I KNOW who won the lowest scoring Super Bowl ever, despite the fact that I haven't watched it yet. Instead, our pizza & “Jurassic Park” marathon went quite well.  And it was a joy.  Every time I saw a dinosaur munch on someone I imagined that that someone was Tom Brady.

And a LOT of people got munched in that movie.

I know I spent most of last week mentioning all the things that were affected by the insanely cold weather that we had to suffer through for a week and a half, and I thought I'd just provide an update on one and provide a heavy case of irony for the second. First of all, it looks like we may get back on track in shooting “High School Bowl”. As you may recall we have ONE episode left that hasn't aired yet, and I was (kinda seriously) joking about having to do one live. As it turns out, that won't be happening. We're shooting one episode tomorrow (weather permitting, which I'll get to in a moment) and two of them on Friday, which means that we'll be back on schedule. I've never shot two episodes (or four games) in one day; hopefully, my voice will hold up.

But it should be fun.

Now, onto the heavy case of irony. You know how the past week and a half have just been BRUTAL as humanly possible? That's a rhetorical question; of course you know, if for no other reason that I've been complaining about it so much. Well, when I woke up to go running this morning I checked the weather and in the process noticed every single school in Marquette County is closed.  It's not cold--in fact, it's 30 degrees here--but we're also having a major bout of icy rain at the moment.  It's not good for running, I can tell you that.  Going down hills it was like I was skating more than I was running, so I can see why all the schools are closed again.  Still, at the same time it's making my head spin at the almost 50 degree change in morning temperatures since we last spoke..

Yup. Last time I typed one of these it was ten below, now it's 31 above. Who said 2019 hasn't been a weird year so far?

On that note, I really have to get going to work so I can work far enough ahead that shooting three episodes of “High School Bowl” this week won't be a pain. (Assuming, of course, there IS one tomorrow because schools are closed again).  If that's not a First World problem, I don't know what is!

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