Thursday, February 16, 2023

Thursday, 2/16

I don't think anyone saw THAT coming.

For the first time in its history the UP200 Sled Dog Race, one of the crown jewels of UP winter activities, was canceled before it started. Why, you ask? Well, I answer--

Actually, it was a lot more than just a lack of snow (although, ironically, it is snowing right now, but just lightly). The rain we've had the past few days turned to ice, and that means that the mushers, dogs, and spectators just would not be safe.

Hence, the cancellation of the race.

Like I said, it's never been canceled before it started, although it has been cut short many times, most notably a few years ago when temperatures shot up into the 60s the second day of the race and made the course untenable. So it's not like the weather hasn't wreaked havoc on the UP200 before.

It just hasn't before the race even got the chance to start.

Part of me wonders if this is just gonna be the new norm. The planet's warming up, the weather's becoming wackier and wackier (as an example, it was 46 degrees and raining in Marquette on Valentine's Day) and we may be at the point where some of our iconic winter events—ski, sled dog, and outhouse races—may or may not take place on a yearly basis, all depending upon what Mother Nature has up her sleeve. That would suck, but it wouldn't surprise me if that's our new normal.

And that would be a shame.

Organizers of the race are scrambling to put together a “Festival of the Sled Dog' for Friday night in downtown Marquette, to take the place of the race start. It won't be the same, but at least it'll be something, and I hope it's a success.

If only because we'll probably be seeing more and more things like this happening in the future.


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