Monday, February 13, 2023

Monday, 2/13

I wonder if I can break the space-time continuum by typing this?

I wrote a LOT this weekend. I wrote the latest “Life in the 906” for TV-19 that I'll do tonight. I wrote the rest of the script for “The Greasier the Spoon”. I wrote a newspaper article for “The Greasier the Spoon”. I wrote ideas for the year in review show we still need to do for “High School Bowl”. And now I'm writing a blog about, well, writing a lot the past few days.

That wouldn't violate any laws of physics, would it? Sanity, I could understand, but we're safe from ruptures in the space-time continuum, right?

Please say “right”.

I know that I've always said that I consider myself a writer above anything else. Even though I babble on the radio and babble on the TV and babble during history things, a lot of that is written. I mean, on occasion you wouldn't believe that I actually thought about what I was going to say, but I do. And for big things—TV appearances, full-length documentaries about restaurants—I actually write a script. Much of what I do just comes off the top of my head, but the rest needs to be written ahead of time.

And that's what I did this past weekend.

Now, I am in no way complaining. If you had told the younger me that the older me would consider himself a “writer' and work on four or five different (and very unique) projects the younger me would have been thrilled. And the current me LOVES what I do. If I could just find someone to pay me to do nothing BUT write (hint hint, anyone out there with money), my life would be complete.

Maybe that's what this weekend was; a peek at an alternate universe where I'm just ensconced somewhere, fingers flying furiously over a keyboard in an attempt to not only push out as much material as possible but also trying to make sure that said material is worth it. I'm mean, I know it's an alternate universe that will probably never occur (unless, like I said, anyone with a lot of extra money is reading this), but still...

One of the things you can do when you break the space-time continuum is to create an alternate universe. So, if that WERE to happen, it might not be the worst thing in the world. After all, youd thing the multiverse is a big place. So, if there were to be one universe in which I could be a fully time writer, I could love with that.

I'm just saying...



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